Spy Plane Photos Released Showing Cylindrical UFO Over Iraq

Published on 7 March 2023 at 11:46
ufo photo from reaper drone

Grainy black-and-white images show what appears to be a thin cylindrical object flying over Baghdad.

The object, since dubbed the "ghost of Baghdad," was reportedly filmed by a US Reaper drone over the Iraqi capital in May 2022.

The footage was released after being leaked to journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp.

"What George and I discovered was Reaper drone footage over an active war zone"; Corbell to Mail Online.

"This shows an anomalous object designated by our Air Force as a UAP."

"The object appears to have no control surface or traditional reactionary propulsion and is colder than its surroundings."

"It's not your grandmother's rocket we're looking at" A video by Corbell and Knapp discussing the photos in more detail can be viewed below.

Source: Mail Online

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